Episode 7
Is it time to get out of your Comfort Zone?
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The Oracle Card Decks Mentioned in This Show Can Be Found Here:
Butterfly Oracle Card for Life Changes
Archangel Gabriel Oracle Cards
Show notes:
- Card Decks Featured:Comfort Card Deck: Prism Oracle
- Artist: Nicole Pivarotto
- Trust CardDeck: Oracle of Unicorns
- Author:* Cordelia Francesca Brabs
- Law of Attraction CardDeck: Archangel Gabriel Card Deck
- Author: Doreen Virtue
Episode Summary:
- Episode seven of the Oracle of You podcast is centered around the theme of faith and belief in one's plans, vision, and desires.
- The three oracle cards drawn for this episode are the Comfort card (Prism Oracle), Trust card (Oracle of Unicorns), and Law of Attraction card (Archangel Gabriel Card Deck).
- The Law of Attraction card emphasizes the importance of positive thoughts, surrounding oneself with positivity, and maintaining gratitude to attract positive experiences and manifestations into one's life.
- Beth discusses the significance of building gratitude muscles and appreciating what one already has before expecting more from the universe.
- The Comfort card is explored in relation to the idea of becoming comfortable in the pursuit or "chase" of a goal and the need to envision a life beyond achieving the desired outcome.
- The Trust card encourages listeners to have unwavering faith and belief in the universe, urging them to leap into the unknown and trust that they will soar, even when details are unclear.
- Beth addresses the hesitation that may arise when stepping out of one's comfort zone, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying beliefs, fears, or illusions causing the hesitation.
- The episode concludes with a reminder that choosing dreams, betting on oneself, and embracing the excitement of leaping into the unknown can lead to a life of surprise, serendipity, and flow.
Closing Affirmation:
"Let go of the control and choose a life of surprise, serendipity, and flow. Be courageous and trust. Believe, have faith. Take a leap, and your wings will appear, and you will soar."
All Oracle Card readings shared by 'The Host' [Elizabeth Hewitt] should not be interpreted to guarantee a resolution to any legal, medical, or financial problems or any other serious concerns and issues you may have. You are reminded that you have free will and are in charge of your own decision and life journey, the oracle card readings are for entertainment purposes only. 'The Host' will not be held liable or responsible for any decisions made by you ‘, The Listener’ [Your Legal Name], as a result of your interpretation of any messages you hear in any of the Oracle of You podcast episodes.
Last updated 13th March 2024.